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Sadek Wahba explores four infrastructure related themes that were re-affirmed at COP26 to deliver on a net zero future
Technological innovation could fill 60% of the infrastructure investment gap, but first we need to address the barriers to financing. On 17 November 2021, the GI Hub is hosting Financing InfraTech for the Climate Transition to explore solutions to galvanise infrastructure technology adoption at scale.
Today, the GI Hub has launched a new resource that shows how G20 governments are spending the USD3.2 trillion in infrastructure as a stimulus.
Infrastructure is one of the least technologically transformed sectors of the economy and there is a global consensus that our industry needs innovation to solve big challenges like the resilience of infrastructure during future pandemics, the rise of climate change, urbanisation, and an ageing population
This Primer provides an introduction to blockchain technology, outlines some of the potential benefits it can bring, and considers the risks and challenges it poses.
The recording is now available for the GI Hub and Italian G20 Presidency’s InfraChallenge 2021 Final which was held over two-days on 15 and 16 September 2021
In 2019, Irish electricity company ESB was seeking a solution to help them understand the structural health of its 47-year-old Turlough Hill pumped storage station, which generates up to 292MW into the Irish grid during peak demand periods and – as Ireland’s only pumped storage station – has a crucial role in the country’s ongoing transition to renewable energy grid stabilisation.
AI-enabled cameras detect road hazards in real time, enabling faster and securer maintenance for safer roads. Winning InfraChallenge will assist Canadian start-up IRIS to scale globally and reach emerging countries.
Join the GI Hub and G20 Italian Presidency for day two of the InfraChallenge final, in which the Top 10 competitors will give their final pitches of their solutions, and the 2021 winner will be announced.
Innovating Infrastructure is a new podcast from the GI Hub that showcases new and emerging technology-based solutions to infrastructure challenges. Hosted by GI Hub’s Director of Thought Leadership, Monica Bennett the ten-part series delves deep into these solutions to find out how they will create impact towards a more resilient future.
Join the GI Hub and G20 Italian Presidency for the two-day InfraChallenge 2021 final, featuring sessions with expert guest speakers exploring technological innovations and their role in creating resilient infrastructure, and the final of the InfraChallenge competition with live announcement of the 2021 winner.
In 2018, the City of Nice in southern France signed a 25 year contract with IDEX to design, finance, realise, operate, and maintain a heating and cooling network as well as to implement a smart grid for energy efficiency. IDEX is implementing this project in the 500,000m2 Nice Meridia district, which is home to office space, retail, leisure, housing, schools, and a hospital.
InfraChallenge 2021 invited ideas for building and maintaining better, more resilient infrastructure. Today we announce the Top 10 competitors.
InfraChallenge 2021 invited ideas for building and maintaining better, more resilient infrastructure. Discover who made the Top 20.
Discover how you can get involved with InfraChallenge 2021, applications close 12 March.

InfraChallenge is looking for practical and scalable tech-based ideas for building and maintaining better, more resilient infrastructure.
Can the needs of rapid urbanisation open the door to innovative emerging technologies?
Converting old unused mineshafts and canals into 'geothermal boilers' to produce electricity that can be transported to homes or public spaces.
Combination of sensors and AI to increase sewer capacity and reduce the frequency and magnitude of sewer overflows, especially during high rainfall events.