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The World Bank Group developed this tool to help governments systematically prioritise infrastructure investments to achieve their development goals, taking into account capacity and public resource constraints.
The report first gives background information on infrastructure prioritization in Panama, then follows with a description of the IPF in technical and implementation terms.

This publication examines the direct and indirect benefits of public investment if carried out in a clean and efficient manner. It provides a Framework for Integrity in Public Investment, mapping out risks of corruption at each phase of the investment cycle. It also identifies tools and mechanisms to promote integrity in the public investment cycle and provides examples of their successful implementation in both the public and private sectors.

PFRAM is a tool that assesses potential fiscal costs and risks arising from PPP projects.
The PPP Manual provides overall guidance on the steps to carry out a PPP project.

This National PPP Policy (Policy) provides a consistent framework that enables public and private sectors to work together to improve public service delivery through private sector provision of public infrastructure and related services.

The National Framework for Traditional Contracting provides a best practice framework and commercial principles for delivering infrastructure through public procurement.
The FCCL Framework was prepared in assistance with the World Bank under the IFPPP project and it comprises FCCL guidelines and the FCCL technical manual.
This document provides guidance for users of NEC in determining the procurement and contract strategies to achieve planned outcomes and in the application of contracts from the NEC3 family in meeting these strategies
The OECD Principles for Public Governance of Public-Private Partnerships provide concrete guidance to policy makers on how to make sure that Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) represent value for money for the public sector.
This toolkit is designed to help government officials and policy makers evaluate existing and alternative urban bus systems in developing and transitional countries. It offers practical advice to enact fundamental system reforms.
This toolkit has been prepared to assist public entities in the state of Maharashtra in India in developing public-private partnership (PPP) urban bus transport projects.
It addresses the growing worldwide interest in the use of light rail metro transit (LRMT) schemes to provide urban transport solutions and reviews the potential use of public-private partnership (PPP).

Canada and British Columbia agree on the need for high-quality, modern public infrastructure that contributes to long-term economic growth, a clean environment and strong communities.

The Capital Asset Management Framework describes government objectives and policies for planning and managing publicly-funded capital assets such as schools, hospitals and highways.
The Management Framework: Assessment Process document is a guide to Alberta Infrastructure and Transportation s approach to assessing and approving public-private partnerships for capital infrastructure projects.
Modules 1-4 (out of nine modules) of the PPP Manual systematically guide public and private parties through the phases of PPP project preparation for national and provincial governments.
GI Hub Senior Director for Legal Frameworks and Procurement Policies Mark Moseley gave a presentation at an APEC Business Dialogue aimed at promoting waste management projects being undertaken as Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Indonesia.