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This paper reviews the literature on the impact of physical infrastructure on development and issues surrounding the analysis of the effects of infrastructure on development indicators such as poverty.
This report provides a comprehensive overview of digital transformation in Russia, including chapters on the general digital economy in Russia, the global best practice for enhancing digital platforms in Russa and boosting digital innovation.
This report analyses the barriers women face in the water workforce and provides a practical approach to advance gender diversity in the water sector.
This report responds to a request from the Royal Government of Cambodia for the World Bank to assess the current state of its Digital Economy and identify policies such as supporting the development of digital skills and completing regulatory framework.
The Australian Infrastructure 2019 Audit covers transport, energy, water, telecommunications and for the first time social infrastructure, and looks at the major challenges and opportunities facing Australia s infrastructure over the next 15 years and beyond. They have presented their findings in terms that matter to users, by focusing on outcomes for them. The hope is that this enhanced focus on users, and the role infrastructure can play in improving their quality of life, helps to drive better decisions that are rooted in the long-term interests of Australians.
The report describes eight nutrition-sensitive approaches for achieving greater impacts on early child nutrition. Results framework indicators are proposed to support monitoring and evaluation of nutrition-sensitive investments in water management and irrigation.
This framework for action was developed to support the inclusion of nutritional considerations in the design of water operations and to help formulate nutrition-enhancing water policy.
The OECD Recommendation on the Governance of Infrastructure provides practical guidance for efficient, transparent and responsive decision-making processes in infrastructure investment.
The Future of Infrastructure report (Annual edition) is based on a survey covering more than 10,000 people in 10 major global cities to ask about their everyday experiences with infrastructure services.
This report looks into the area of Congqing, benchmarking its performance against other regions within China and outlining pillars to achieve Chongqing's vision and the risks associated with this vision.
This OECD paper provides a stocktake of investor practices and adoption of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) in their investment processes.
In this report, Marsh & McLennan Insights, the Inter-American Development Bank and IDB Invest review the progress of the six largest infrastructure investment markets in the Latin American and the Caribbean region (the LAC6) in the recovery period following the Lava Jato investigation – the period from 2016 until the present. This report will evaluate private investment prospects in infrastructure based on transparency reforms and project pipeline initiatives offered by the region’s governments. The report will additionally outline a selection of key financing and risk solutions available to private investors to ensure project bankability in the region.
This issue focuses on Urbanization and Infrastructure Development
Interactive Tendering Guidelines (“Guidelines”), prepared for the Construction Leadership Group (“CLG”) developed to inform government and industry of best practice interactive tendering.
Global Infrastructure Outlook allows you to explore the annual infrastructure trends, needs and gaps up to 2040 for 7 sectors, 56 countries, 5 regions and the world total.
Project preparation is a critical enabler of infrastructure development and has been identified as a key pillar in the G20 s strategic roadmap to develop infrastructure as an asset class.
The IMF has compiled a suite of analysis, research, diagnostic tools, country reports, data sets, and other resources on the importance of public investment as a catalyst for economic growth.
The Inclusive Design Standards bring together what LLDC consider the best of existing good practice guidance and consolidate this in a single benchmarking document to be used as a tool by design teams. This second edition of the London Legacy Development Corporation s (LLDC s) Inclusive Design Standards (IDS), originally published in March 2013, is evidence of the positive impact and continued legacy created by the enormous success of the Olympic and Paralympic Games held in London back in the summer of 2012.
This report tells a story of an urgent need for institutional support and reform in Myanmar, improvements in the enforcement against illegal extraction of resources, behavior change in all relevant stakeholders, institutional capacity building, increased funding, and improvements in data collection and analysis. If these recommendations are acted on, then Myanmar can reverse the negative trends and lead its environment on a path toward a more sustainable future. Citation
The present EIB Group Complaints Mechanism Procedures (CMOP), fully implement the revised EIB Group Complaints Policy.