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Our latest article with the Wilson Center
Durophalt and Durophalt-E are sustainable, durable, and cost-effective road maintenance solutions that replace traditional asphalt repair processes, reducing emissions and prolonging road lifespans.
TRL is using satellite imagery and artificial intelligence to assess the condition of rural, unpaved roads more efficiently.
AsianInvestor interviews our CEO on the critical role of investors in promoting net-zero targets in infrastructure
irisGO™ is an AI-enabled camera that facilitates smarter condition monitoring by automating data gathering and analysis of road assets and defects in real time, enabling faster and more secure maintenance for safer roads.
COLPISTE is a combination of a soil stabilisation solution and a cold layer that makes it faster, more affordable, and more sustainable to construct reliable, all-weather roads in rural environments in developing countries
We speak with the Colouring Cities Research Programme’s Polly Hudson on how open platforms for building attribute data will help to solve common urban challenges, and help increase the quality, sustainability, efficiency, and resilience of buildings.
The GI Hub has formed a strategic partnership with the Sustainable Markets Initiative Blended Finance Task Force, to identify solutions that scale private investment and mobilise capital to accelerate the transition to net zero.
McKinsey interviews our CEO, Marie Lam-Frendo about key strategies to help infrastructure leaders to attract private investment and meet net zero goals
Interrelated challenges are common bottlenecks in the planning process for linear infrastructure designed to address climate change. This article explores how the Linear Infrastructure Planning Panel is enabling InfraTech for accessible decisionmaking.
The carbon finance market is evolving rapidly but is fragmented and complex. With project and political risks affecting the private sector’s willingness to enter new carbon markets, what can governments of developing countries do to scale up participation?
With infrastructure responsible for 79% of global GHGs, JETPs have great potential to rebuild trust among stakeholders and help mobilise private climate finance to support the climate transition and sustainable infrastructure development broadly. The JETP platform offers a valuable sandbox to co-create and validate new approaches and innovations while firming up political will
Today the GI Hub has released Transition Pathways to Sustainable Infrastructure, a new resource to help governments shape future infrastructure to meet global climate targets and the UN Sustainable Development Goals with practical, accessible research and open consultations.
At last week’s meetings of the G20 Finance Ministers in Washington DC in the margins of the World Bank / IMF Spring Meetings, conversations continued to drive toward action on debt, reform of multilateral institutions, and sustainable finance and investment for the climate transition.

Sustainable infrastructure is infrastructure that delivers long-term economic, social, and environmental (ESE) benefits.

This week the Australian British Chamber of Commerce, the GI Hub and KPMG co-hosted an intimate infrastructure roundtable with the Lord Mayor of the City of London and senior Australian private sector participants, industry associations, think tanks, government, and infrastructure agencies.
The InterAmerican Development Bank´s Sustainable Infrastructure Framework aims to help foster shared understanding of the key dimensions and attributes of sustainable infrastructure. The IDB Framework was adapted to Mexico after a thorough analysis of Mexico’s national development strategy and infrastructure investment priorities, in close collaboration with relevant stakeholders.
Post-COP15, GI Hub's Strategic Adviser Denis Crevier explores some meaningful outcomes for biodiversity and its influence on infrastructure.