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Transferring risk to the private sector in a PPP contract is frequently referred to as a key part of a PPP arrangement, as well as a key reason why governments use such an approach to procure infrastructure.
The paper looks at the potential and preconditions for introducing or expanding competition for the provision of municipal waste management services by mobilising and engaging the private sector.
This paper is a collaboration between the World Bank’s Transport Global Practice, the World Bank’s Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) and the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) to assemble evidence, viewpoints, and analysis on eMobility programs.
APEC economies endorsed the APEC Guidebook on Quality of Infrastructure Development and Investment (Revision) .
This paper describes a framework of supply and demand factors that could affect birth registration coverage rates, using data from Latin America, Asia and Africa the paper looks at factors such as social transfer that could impact birth registration.
The Independent Power Producers Association of Indonesia ( APLSI ) and PwC Indonesia ( PwC ) spearheaded the preparation of this report, Alternating Currents: Indonesian Power Industry Survey 2018 , based on a survey of stakeholders in the Indonesian power industry.
An infrastructure outlook on Indonesia to 2025. A publication by the PwC.
An infrastructure outlook on Indonesia to 2025. A publication by the PwC.
Participating in tenders abroad might not be the right strategy for every construction company, nor is it a priority for every tendering authority to attract foreign bidders.
The first edition of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Monitor tracks the development of the PPP business environment as well as the challenges of doing PPPs in nine of the ADB’s developing member countries (DMCs).
B&R Infrastructure Development Index Report 2018, in both English and Chinese, published by China International Contractors Association (CHINCA) in the 9th International Infrastructure Investment and Construction Forum held in Macao on June 7-8, 2018.
Since its unveiling in October 2013, China s Belt & Road Initiative (B&R) has promoted Eurasian trade and integration along the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Maritime Silk Road.
A presentation on the current state of the Indonesian economy and economic policy, including in infrastructure sector.
This paper proposes the adoption of advanced asset management practices that could help water and wastewater utility operators to improve their competitiveness and become more sustainable in operational terms.
The report illustrates the ReM framework methodology, used by the EIB in the appraisal and evaluation of projects outside the EU.
The administrative regulations relating to section 7 of the Federal Budget Code and the related instruction Introduction to value-for-money assessments contain general directives that ensure an effective, efficient and economic implementation of all measures.
This G20 Eminent Persons Group on Global Financial Governance report recommends reforms to the global financial architecture and governance of the system of International Financial Institutions (IFIs), aiming to promote economic stability and sustainable growth and consider how the G20 could better provide continued leadership and support for these goals.
The report “Making Blended Finance work for the SDGs” supports the OECD DAC blended principles for unlocking commercial finance for SDGs and further sharpens their focus on the deployment of development and commercial finance on the objectives of development.
The study analyses gaps and trends in investment infrastructure in the Western Balkans.
The paper applies indicator calculations to three case studies of proposed bypass roads in Japan to evaluate their resilience.